Answers to your common questions

Just a selection of some of the most common questions that we are asked

Is there a contract?

No. We believe that as long as you get lots of value out of salonspy, you wont want to cancel, so we remain contract-free.

Are salonspy reviews the same as google reviews?

No... they're better! A salonspy review form is very different to a Google review form, we collect much more info. salonspy reviews are also moderated and verified, which isn't something Google offers.

salonspy reviews will sit separately to your google score, but still in an organic visible spot within Google searches.

Do you integrate with my salonspy software system?

We integrate with most, but if we don't have a formal integration with your system, we can still make it work - we'll handle this process with you on a one to one basis.

How does it work with my salon software?

Once activated, your existing salon software system will start to auto-request reviews from your clients via sms.

Can I request reviews via email?

We don't recommend it. We have tried and tested this method and the response rate was tiny. The open rate of an email is 13% vs the open rate of an SMS which is 96%

What does moderation mean?

We read every single review before its published to your page. We make sure its family friendly, doesn't mention your competitors and in negative reviews, we will also remove the stylists name if mentioned.

This can sometimes slow down the publication slightly, but its just to ensure that you're getting top-quality feedback.

Can I delete negative reviews?

If it's verified & constructive we won't allow you to delete them. If it's unverified, we'd be happy to discuss it with you.

What does verified mean?

Verified reviews are generated by your salon software system. The auto SMS will allow you to identify which reviews have come from post appointment requests and which ones have been submitted organically.

Consumers are actively seeking out verified reviews are they are much more trustworthy.

Can I link the reviews to my own website?

Absolutely. We have a tool called a carousel widget that once installed, will live-stream your latest reviews directly to your website